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Course Reserves: Faculty: Placing Items on Course Reserve

Items that are "reserved" for specific courses for a set period of time.

Types of Reserve Items

Personal Copy: Any item that belongs to you can be placed on the Reserves list. They will be labeled and barcoded by the Library.

Library Copy: You can request that an item the Library owns be placed on your Course Reserves list.

E-Book: The purchasing of e-book titles for Course Reserve is a new Library initiative. The Library will purchase electronic copies of required course titles when available. Traditional textbooks are excluded from this initiative as libraries cannot purchase electronic versions for campus-wide access. Make a request using the Online Course Reserves Purchase Request Form.

If another instructor has an item on Reserve that you would like to add to your Course Reserves list, you must obtain permission from the other instructor to utilize the resource, then submit a request to the Library.

Encourage Use!

The Library encourages you to tell your students that you have items on Course Reserve. Whether the items are required or supplemental, tell your students to utilize the resources. We will be giving you circulation statistics for each item at the end of every semester. If you'd like help finding ways to market your resources, let us know and we'd be more than happy to assist you!

Placing Items on Reserve

To place an item on Course Reserve:

  1. Know the title and basic information of the item you would like to place on Reserve.
  2. Go to our online Course Reserve Request Form.
  3. Fill out all fields with the appropriate information.
  4. To get the copy to the Library, you have two options: bring it in yourself and hand it directly to Circulation staff, or have it picked up by the Library from your departmental secretary. On the Course Reserve Request Form, make sure to specify when the item will be available for pick-up.

Granted that all requested information is provided and correct, the item will be processed and placed on the Course Reserves shelf within 24 hours of receipt of the item.

*An e-mail will be sent to you once your item is available for use.

**Please remember that your request is only valid for one semester. At the end of the Summer sessions and the Fall semester, the Library will send out an email asking instructors who had items on the Course Reserve shelf if they would like to leave those items on Reserve for the following semester. If there is no response, the item(s) will be returned.

End-of-Semester Procedures

Our end-of-the semester procedure has been re-vamped to better service you and your students! We have enacted the following policy to ensure that the Course Reserves process is as streamlined and beneficial as possible:

  1. All items will be removed from the Course Reserve shelf at the end of the Spring semester and returned to the appropriate departmental secretary. The barcodes and labeling will remain on the item in case you want to re-submit the copy for the next semester. Circulation statistics for each item will be provided to you.
  2. You will be encouraged to review the circulation statistics and the general usefulness of the item for your students. Remember to market the items you have on Course Reserve so that your students utilize them!
  3. An email will be sent to you prompting the beginning of the next semester's Course Reserves process. You will be asked to fill out a Course Reserves Request Form for each item that you want to place on your Course Reserves list.

When filling out a request in the Fall semester, you will have the option to place the item on Course Reserve for both the Fall and following Spring semester. After the end of the Spring semester, the item will be returned to your office.

Important Reminders

-You must fill out one Course Reserve Request Form for each item you want to place on your Course Reserves list.

-For personal titles, the Library is not able to replace lost copies. We do, however, have procedures in place to minimize the risk of loss.


If you have any questions or would like more information about Course Reserves, feel free to contact the Circulation Desk at (808) 455-0210.